This talk explains why I’ve not been able to explain my thinking to audiences who want to understand.

Over the past 35 years, I’ve brought together several independent power generation businesses in situations considered “impossible.”This talk is humbling and gratifying at the same time. I’ve only been able to say, “We just think differently.”

My thinking has always been oriented toward orchestrating businesses to last at least 20 years or longer. This has made them complex beyond any single stakeholder’s imagination.

Yet, as we start “seeing” each entity, the complexity can be broken down into simple and transparent relationships that all parties can see are in their best interest to maintain and honor their participation enabling agreements.

The occasional saving grace is the side that has what Simon calls infinite thinking and has enough empathy to recognize the other side’s seemingly inexplicable and scripted behavior is based on the truth as they’ve been taught to perceive it.

No matter how much I’ve experienced and learned, I’ll never be a “master”and will always appreciate teachers that reframe my perspectives so I can better understand the “Why” of nearly every situation.

About William Ross Williams

I've never been satisfied without deep investigation. My continuous search for fundamental truth has provided me with dozens of perspectives to draw from and also see what's deeper than any stories we're told. My perspectives come from having all of those perspectives to draw from, and deep reflection on the meaning behind everything.

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