Archive | February 2021

If you’re serious about stopping “climate change”please read this: All of it.

Source: The Activists Who Embrace Nuclear Power | The New Yorker

This article is as close to “Truth” as any I’ve read in many years. Without criticizing any of the “mythology” presented regarding energy over the last 40 years, it tells an objective story about how we’ve been convinced that the “boogieman” stories about nuclear power are true.

The overarching message is that we do have the technologies and tools to support the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and its need for absolute electricity reliability.

Among the “Stakeholders” I’ve always been devoutly loyal to are the environment and reduction of the air pollution that’s killing ten times as many people as Covid.

I’m also a huge fan of wind, and solar generation, because it can reduce pollution by using it in ways that are still considered “heresy” by the same interest groups promoting nuclear fear.

The nature of “stakeholder” capitalism starts by identifying fundamental truths, then examining those truths in the light of “will they be transparently beneficial to all of the stakeholders,” then assembling the businesses and elements in a way that will capture those benefits.

It starts as a seemingly impossible maze and results in harmony that all stakeholders, including the audience, will enjoy participating in.