Archive | March 2022

Here are the countries that import the most Russian oil | TheHill

The gift of Ukraine’s solidarity, along with the global support to stop Putin’s aggression is creating a potential win for all of humanity as it’s forcing rapid shifts away from the Russian fossil fuel that’s a huge part of the global carbon emissions.

Russia is irreparably breaching and dissolving the world’s trust as a reliable fuel supplier.

And, an unintended but globally beneficial outcome is a greater carbon emissions reduction TODAY, than the COP26 targets could bring about in decades.

The support for the Ukrainian people is now a fight for a better world.

Nearly all of these countries are taking firm stands against the hideous Putin’s Russian war crimes.
This is driving more broad international carbon reduction than the COP26 agreements because it’s removing the optionality of reduced oil consumption.



Source: Here are the countries that import the most Russian oil | TheHill