Harmony, and balance, are the magic needed to accomplish the impossible

Altresco image courtesy of Robyn Shorrock, my friend, and a creative graphic genius.

Harmony and balance are words we don’t hear enough of in “entrepreneurialism.”

Yet they are two invisible keys and core principles of the kingdom of sustainability.
So deeply embedded in the minds of people like Jeff Bezos that it’s autonomic, and a foundation of all regenerative enterprises.

You’ll also find it in the culture of companies like Proctor and Gamble, Bristol Myers, Walmart, and the Indian organization POSOCO which has made it possible, so far, for India’s national GDP to expand tenfold through their management of the Indian National Grid.

I smile, knowing that many people who will instantly understand where I’m coming from are the leaders and dispatch center managers at POSOCO.
(Power system operation Corporation)
Particularly SK Soonee, and friends.

When I was in India in 2013, with the objective sharing my current experience with the North American Grid, Independent, Systems operators (ISOs), and the havoc being caused by the completely unplanned massive surge of new wind generation, and so on. It was unimaginable to nearly everyone that I was not there to sell ANYTHING.

I was there because I’d been involved in initiating Independent private power generation IPP in 1997.

I also felt that India, not being bound by the Politics of the western Renewable energy chaos, might have a chance to bypass some of the turmoil while maintaining the kind of grid reliability the U.S, and EU had enjoyed for decades before being flooded with wind energy that was not anticipated in the Resource, and Transmission planning before 2014.

One of my personal core principles has always been transparently sharing knowledge with my circles of “friends.” I’ve called that “relationship, trust building, and collaboratively gaining understandings of what’s in the cloud front headed our way.

And, long before, during the 90s, when I’d been the “guru” of orchestrating and financing BOT, and BOOT generation projects, without any viable “sovereign (national) guarantee. (Always a requirement of U.S. companies abroad, in developing nations.)

My experience in that area, and with the dozens of countries willing to use EXIM credit to support their process guarantees, most of the “energy” related companies in Japan, Korea, ASEAN, and EU had joined the “portfolio” I consider, and refer to as my “Team.” And once I came to feel that attitude, and broad empathy, my “principle.” is that I never enter into business arrangements where I can’t imagine twenty year balanced, and harmonious relationships.

(Always considered ridiculously naive, by economic participants, with less than five-year horizons. )

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About William Ross Williams

I've never been satisfied without deep investigation. My continuous search for fundamental truth has provided me with dozens of perspectives to draw from and also see what's deeper than any stories we're told. My perspectives come from having all of those perspectives to draw from, and deep reflection on the meaning behind everything.

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