Utilities pilot DER programs to shave peaks, reward customers

Thank you, Jennifer Runyan, for posting this good article on Linked In.

As I read through the detail, I see many very positive shifts in the attitudes of franchised IOU utilities.

This sounds like the sun is starting to rise on some of the extreme pollution reduction potentials of intermittent wind and solar electricity surges.

Source: Utilities pilot DER programs to shave peaks, reward customers

As they “grow up,” programs like this type of “energy” storage that replaces fossil fuels with renewable generated electricity should start a trend that can ultimately double and triple renewable energy’s impact on reducing pollution.

About William Ross Williams

I've never been satisfied without deep investigation. My continuous search for fundamental truth has provided me with dozens of perspectives to draw from and also see what's deeper than any stories we're told. My perspectives come from having all of those perspectives to draw from, and deep reflection on the meaning behind everything.

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